The View: Week of 2/5/2024 - The View

I think this week is where Alyssa's game up to this point finally reached the end of the road, so to speak. Up until now, she's lectured the others about how they need to support X candidate of her "team" if they really want to stop Trump and used that tack on repeat to try to back Sunny, Whoopi, and others into a corner so that they can't criticize certain figures that Alyssa was rooting for for her own benefit (helping her "team" win, in other words). Now that phase is over and the shoe is on the other foot, and she refuses to do anything but criticize the only person who could stop Trump at this point. I'd say she's being hypocritical, but really it's more that her spiel the past year was a calculated pretense from the jump. She may be a little better at disguising it than others in that chair, but she's a shill through and through and I think Joy at least woke up to that this past Monday's show and in the Christie interview the other day. It's the same reason Alyssa takes every opportunity to push at the age of the others because she's hoping focusing on their age might help push one or more of them out the door (ie, another "win" for her "team"). Thankfully, I think Whoopi, Sunny, and Ana have all had her number for a while now (Sunny from Day 1), but I think Joy at least really did try to meet her half way until now and treat her like someone who was arguing in good faith. Unfortunately, Sara fell for it all hook, line, and sinker--and even she agreed with the other ladies this week that it's pretty much down to Biden and Trump now.

Haven't posted in a while, but I still watch daily. The show is great besides Alyssa and Sara, and even they I like every once in a while even if it's pretty obvious most days that the dynamic of the show is the two of them and Teta versus the others. Like last week when they made Joy legally "correct" herself for calling a muppet a puppet. *eyeroll* That had to be the nadir. On the other hand, Sunny seems to be the only one willing to correct Sara or Alyssa when they're inaccurate, good for her; you can tell Teta has the behind-the-scenes folks looking at the others under a microscope and giving the two of them a pass. I got a chuckle out of Ana saying the only reason she and Joy do the podcast is to torture Teta.

The show is still as good as it ever was when Joy is there, but I do like Sunny and Ana, too, even though they have their foibles and I disagree with them more often than with Joy (like when Sunny was pushing Gavin Newsom this week). Surprisingly, I feel like I've come full circle with Whoopi. For a while there, I really didn't like her because of everything in the two Rosie's season and the years after with Raven, McCain, and so on; I feel like I've finally come around to enjoying her again, about as much as I did when she first started. What changed it for me is I can tell she's been trying to help Sunny this season because of the way Alyssa was going at her (particularly during Oct/Nov last year), it was kind of shocking to me considering the tension between Whoopi and Sunny in the past. I thought it was kind of sweet to see Whoopi try to shield Sunny from her, they seem like they're real friends these days whereas I didn't believe that in seasons past. Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, and Ana together give me the same vibes as Whoopi, Joy, and Sherri used to as far as they all seem like genuine friends who look forward to seeing each other (more or less) every morning.

Re:The neverending "interrupting" debates--I don't think Alyssa interrupts per se. More like she does this high energy thing where she makes sure she speaks more often than the others. She speaks before the others most of the time (except when Joy goes first), occasionally underspeaks while the others are speaking, and then speaks again after most of the others are done, then grins at the camera or giggles in a condescending way like Jedidiah used to do while the others speak. If it wasn't for Whoopi or Joy being the moderator guaranteeing they have to speak last, I feel like she'd make sure she has the "final word" in every discussion.

I thought Joy was right for not letting the ageism go. It is strange that it's one of the few -ism's that aren't treated with equal weight or fervor. I know Alyssa in particularly made some kind of ageist insult against her co-hosts just a week ago, but then will try to turn around and pretend like she cares about anti-Semitism or sexism on another day. If you don't care about one, it's pretty hard to buy you care about the others. But for me she's always been someone who argues in bad faith.

Personally, I'm happy Joy, Whoopi, and Sunny have a proper back-and-forth with the guests. This is The View, not CNN. This show has always been known for those interactions. I wouldn't want it to become a show that refuses to hold people accountable for their statements or react to the crazy things they say (like Christie falsely equivocating old age with Trump the way he did) out of the sake of a faux politeness because that would make the show into something different than what it has been for two decades. Thankfully Joy, Whoopi, Sunny, and Ana all know this show well-enough by now to know what The View is and should be, and what not to change.
