EXCLUSIVE! Brat TV's Attaway General cast dishes on Season 3

GL sat down with Attaway General stars Dai Time, Pressley Hosbach and Brendan Jordan  to discuss all things Season 3. Scroll down for the inside scoop on our fave Brat TV drama series...

Girls' Life: In what ways are each of you similar to—and different from—your characters? 

Dai Time: I'm actually really similar to Emilia because we both like school! Even when she's in the hospital, Emilia is always concerned about her books, which I can relate to since I'm graduating high school in May. Emilia is also really headstrong, but I'm more of a gentle personality. 

Pressley Hosbach: I relate to Roxie because she's super driven and *always* gets what she wants. I won't stop until I achieve my goals, but she won't stop until she gets revenge. We're both driven for different reasons, but always focused on what we want. 

Brendan Jordan: I really relate to Benny because his biggest priority is making people happy. He's also always in glam which I absolutely love.

GL: If you could switch characters with anybody for the day, who would you choose? 

Dai: I would trade places with Travis or Edward because they're *so* not me at all. I would love to run around the hospital and film things—or swallow an earbud! 

Pressley: I would love to switch with Maeve because she gets to lead the pack around the hospital and take on exciting new roles. 

Brendan: I'd love to switch with Dr. Henry to experience something totally new. 

GL: What were your first impressions of each other?

Dai: I knew a lot of the cast when we first started filming, so I was pretty excited to begin working together. I got on the Zoom for our table read and was so happy to see familiar faces! Plus, I loved getting to experience life on the set of the show.

Pressley: I also knew a bunch of people going into the show, so it was amazing to work with my friends while still meeting new people. The Brat cast and crew is such a family, and I love everything about working together. 

Brendan: I did Season 2, so I already knew some of the cast. But I also got to meet amazing people like Dai for the first time. Despite all the drama in the script, there really isn't anything crazy happening off-camera. Each take got better as our natural chemistry got better. Getting to know each other off-screen helped enhance our performances even more.

GL: What was it like being on set together? Any fave memories? 

Dai: I had such a fun time filming the earthquake scene where I was literally shaken by production while trying to eat jello. It was super funny to film, and I was giggling the entire time.

Pressley: It was such a blast! With COVID it was harder to spend time together, but we made the best memories while we were filming our scenes.

Brendan: Sometimes as actors, things can feel awkward on camera, but they always come out looking great. I have to remind myself to trust the crew during the filming process. Having such a tight bond between the talent and the crew helps make the job so much more fun.

GL: What was your favorite scene to film this season? 

Dai: My favorite scene to film was where Emilia finds out that she doesn't have a kidney anymore. Even though it's a sad scene, it was the most fun to film because I had to try to talk with the nurses and people in the hospital while they were ignoring me. It was super interesting to see how chaotic a hospital can get! 

Pressley: I loved filming the opening scene with Brendan and Skyler. I loved my outfit and got to wear these adorable sunglasses that made me feel like Elle Woods.

Brendan: I love any scene that has movement in it. I also loved filming scenes like the opening one because they really come to life and actually feel real. Any scene where I'm talking on the phone is fun, too.

GL: What can OG fans of the show look forward to watching in Season 3? 

All: Look forward to a lot of drama, especially juicy relationships. We're keeping everybody on their toes, so make sure to tune in! 

Want even more Attaway General cast content? Check these out: 

💗 EXCLUSIVE! Pressley Hosbach is basically human sunshine

💗 EXCLUSIVE! YouTuber Brendan Jordan on going viral and living your truth 

💗 Influencers spill on their back-to-school beauty routines 

Loving the new season of Attaway General?

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All images via @brat on Instagram | Parts of this interview were edited and condensed for clarity. 
