All Brawlers & Their Stats and Skills List - Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars is full of unique characters, known as brawlers. Players love collecting and playing new brawlers to test their strength and skills.

Most of the brawlers in Brawl Stars are quite rare, so most players haven’t experienced every brawler in the game.

We’ve put together a list of all the brawlers in the game, their stats, and skills.

Table of contents

Trophy Road Brawlers

You can unlock 8 brawlers through the trophy road simply by collecting trohpies.

These brawlers are quite common as they are relatively easy to acquire compared to brawl box brawlers.

Learn how to collect trophies with our trophies guide.

Here is a list of all brawlers from the trophy road:


Shelly is the default brawler which you automatically have once you start the game.

Shelly is a ranged DPS brawler who fires wide spread shells to take down enemies.

Basic Attack

Buckshot. Shelly fires 5 pellets in a cone.

The more pellets that hit the enemy, the more damage it does. Therefore, standing right on top of the enemy almost secures maximum damage.

Super Attack

Super Shell. Shelly fires an even larger cone of 7 pellets at enemies that also knock them back.

This attack works the same way as Buckshot, the more pellets that hit, the more damage it does.

Star Power

Shelly’s star power Shell Shock enhances her Super Shell ability, making it slow down enemies for 2.5 seconds.



Nita is a caster brawl who fights by casting ranged spells and summoning a bear.

Nita is unlocked by collecting 10 trophies on the trophy road.

Basic Attack

Rupture. Nita casts a shockwave that damages all enemies it passes through.

This attack has a decent range, allowing you to outplay brawlers with closer range attacks.

Super Attack

Overbearing. Nita summons a bear who follows Nita, hunts enemies, and attack them.

Nita can summon the bear in a wide range around her once her Super is ready.

Star Power

Nita’s star power Bear With Me enables her bear to heal Nita 500 health each time the bear hits an enemy.

Nita also heals the bear 500 health every time she hits an enemy.



Colt is a ranged DPS brawler who uses his guns to shoot a series of bullets at enemies.

You unlock Colt in the trophy road once you collect 60 trophies.

Basic Attack

Six-Shooters. Colt shoots 6 bullets in a line. This attack has a longer range than most other players.

Super Attack

Bullet Storm. Colts fires an even longer and more powerful series of 12 bullets.

Many players use this super attack as a one-shotting snipe skill.

Star Power

Colt’s star power is Slick Boots, which increases the movement speed of Colt.



Bull is another trophy road brawler unlocked at 250 trophies.

Bull is a close to medium ranged DPS brawler with a similar basic attack to Shelly.

Basic Attack

Double-Barrel. Bull fires a cone of 5 pellets at enemies.

The more pellets that hit the enemy, the more damage it does.

Super Attack

Bulldozer. Bull charges in a given direction, breaking down structures and knocking away enemies in his pass.

This super makes it possible for Bull to charge at an enemy, then burst him down with close range Double-Barrel shots.

Star Power

Bull’s star power is Berserker, which causes him to enter beserk mode once his health falls below 40%.

In beserk mode, Bull’s reload time is cut in half, making him able to attack twice as fast.



Jessie is a ranged brawler who has the ability to summon a turret to help her in battle while firing energy bolts at enemies.

Jessie is unlocked on the trophy road by collecting 500 trophies

Basic Attack

Shock Rifle. Jessie fires a bolt of energy at a medium range.

This attack does have a little AoE, so if you catch two enemies stacked up very close to each other, you can damage both with one attack.

Super Attack

Srappy!. Jessie summons a turret on the ground which attacks enemies nearby.

Jessie can summon this turret within a small radius of herself by throwing the turret.

Star Power

Jessie’s star power is Energize, which enables her to heal her turrets 800 health by hitting them with her Shock Rifle attack.



Brock is a very long ranged DPS brawler who shoots snipes enemies with rockets.

Brock is unlocked through the trophy road by collecting 1000 trophies.

Basic Attack

Rockin’ Rocket. Brock fires a long range rocket with his launcher. The rockets impact is AoE.

Super Attack

Rocket Rain. Brock fires a volley of rockets at a chosen area within a small radius of Brock.

This volley consists of 9 rockets and is able to destroy structures.

Star Power

Brock’s star power is Incendiary, which makes his basic attack Rockin’ Rocket create an area of fire on impact.

Enemies caught within this area of fire, takes 300 damage per second.



Dynamike is a trophy road brawler who throws dynamite sticks at his enemies.

Unlock him by collecting 2000 trophies.

Basic Attack

Short Fuse. Dynamike throws two dynamite sticks at his enemies.

This dynamite will land on the ground, and then blow up after a short while.

Everyone within the radius of the blast will take damage.

Super Attack

Big Barrel o’ Boom. Dynamike throws the barrel full of explosives he is carrying on his back.

Anyone caught in the blast takes a ton of damage, and are knocked back.

Star Power

Dynamike’s star power is Dyna-Jump which enables him to take advantage of the blast of his own basic attack and super attack.

Dynamike will jump a short distance when standing in his own blast, making him immune while in the air.

This jump can be used to get over structures as well.



Bo is a ranged brawler using a bow to take down his foes.

Bo is unlocked through the trophy road by collecting 3000 trophies.

Basic Attack

Eagle-eyed. Bo fires three explosive arrows in a cone. Bo attack has a longer range than most other brawlers.

These explosive arrows detonate in a small radius once they reach max range or hits an enemy.

Super Attack

Catch a Fox. Bo places three mines on the ground that are invisible to enemies.

Once an enemy steps on the ground, they become visible for 1.15 seconds and then detonate dealing damage to everyone within the blast.

Star Power

Bo’s star power is Circling Eagle which enables Bo and his teammate to see enemies hidden in bushes within a small range.


Brawl Box Brawlers

Most of the brawlers in Brawl Stars are unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

Because getting a brawler from a brawl box is quite rare, these brawlers are usually not seen as much in-game as trophy road brawlers.

At least not in lower trophy games. If you want to unlock the following brawlers, then you can check out our brawl box guide.

Here is a list over all brawlers unlocked from brawl boxes.


Poco uses his guitar to play waves of music that damages enemies and heals his opponents.

Poco is a rare brawler who is unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Power Chord. Poco releases a wave of music in the form of notes by playing his guitar.

This wave spreads out to a wide range making it easy to hit multiple enemies.

Super Attack

Encore. Poco releases an even bigger wave of music. Instead of damaging opponents, this wave heals himself and allies.

This healing wave can travel through structures allowing Poco to heal allies in a pinch.

Star Power

Poco’s star power is Da Capo!, which makes his basic attack Power Chord heal allies 500 health per wave, on top of dealing damage to enemies.


El Primo

El Primo is a tanky close ranged fighter who uses punches and a mighty leap to take down enemies.

El Primo is a rare brawler who is unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Fists of Fury. El Primo throws a series of punches at opponents.

This attack is very short-ranged but does quite a bit of damage and has a low cooldown.

Super Attack

Flying Elbow Drop. El Primo leaps to a chosen location dealing damage to everyone in the impacted area.

This super attack also knocks enemies away and makes the iconic “El Primo!” sound.

Star Power

El Primo’s star power is El Fuego which causes enemies caught in El Primo’s super attack to set on fire.

Enemies on fire will take 800 damage over 4 seconds.



Barley is a classy robot butler who throws bottles of poison at his enemies.

You unlock Barley who is rare brawler by unlocking brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Undiluted. Barley throws a bottle of poison at a chosen location. On impact, a puddle of poison is left behind on the ground.

Enemies standing in this poison takes damage every second.

Super Attack

Last Call. Barley throws a flurry of bottles covering the impacted area in flames.

This super attack covers a wide area, enabling Barley to cut off an entire path.

Star Power

Barley’s star power is Medical Use, which makes Barley heal 300 health every time he uses his basic attack Undiluted.



Rico is a super rare brawler who uses his gun to shoot balls at opponents.

You unlock Rico by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Bouncy Bullets. Rico shoots bouncing balls at enemies.

Because this attack bounces on walls, you can hit enemies hiding behind structures.

Super Attack

Trick Shot. Rico shoots an even greater series of bouncing balls, which pierce through enemies and bounce off structures.

Star Power

Rico’s star power is Super Bouncy which supercharges his bouncing balls, making them travel faster and deal 80 more damage each from their first bounce.



Darryl is a super rare brawler who takes out enemies with his two shotguns.

To unlock Darryl, unlock brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Double Deuce. Darryls shoots both of his shotguns in quick succession.

Both shots are cones of shells, so the more pellets that hit the enemy the more damage this attack does.

Super Attack

Barrel Roll. Darryl rolls around in his own barrel at a rapid speed, bouncing off any structures he hits, damaging enemies and knocking them back.

Star Power

Darryl’s star power Steel Hoops reduces the damage Darryl takes in his barrel by 40% for 3.5 seconds.



Penny is super rare pirate Brawler who takes down enemies with her gun and cannon.

To unlock Penny, you have to unlock brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Plunderbuss. Penny shoots a pouch of gold at enemies.

If this pouch hits an enemy, it will deploy three golden coins behind its target damaging enemies they hit.

Super Attack

Old Lobber. Penny puts down her cannon at a target location.

This cannon starts shooting cannon balls at enemies, dealing damage to everyone in the area of the blast, even if they are behind structures.

Star Power

Penny’s star power is Last Blast which makes her cannon shoot out a last barrage of cannon bombs when the cannon is destroyed.

Each of these cannon bombs deals 1680 damage.



Piper is an epic brawler who uses her powerful umbrella weapon to take out enemies.

Piper is unlocked by unlocking brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Gunbrella. Piper shoots a sniper shot from her umbrella.

This shot travels quickly, has a long-range, and does more damage the longer it travels.

Super Attack

Poppin’. Piper jumps away from her current location, leaving three powerful grenades behind.

Piper is immune while in the air.

Star Power

Piper’s star power is Ambush which grants her a 400 damage bonus to her basic attack Gunbrella whenever she is hidden in a bush.



Pam is another epic brawler who uses scrap metal to take out enemies and heals her allies with her healing station.

You have to open brawl boxes to unlock Pam.

Basic Attack

Scrapstorm. Pam brings fourth a storm of metal scrab by shooting nine pieces of metal at enemies.

This scrab is shot out in a cone and sweeps back and fourth.

Super Attack

Mama’s Kiss. Pam places down a healing station that heals all allies within a large range.

This ability does not heal allied turrets etc, only brawlers.

Star Power

Pam’s star power is Mama’s Hug which makes Pam heal all allies 30 health each time her basic attack Scrapstorm hits an enemy.



Frank is a tanky short-ranged brawler. He is an epic Brawler that is unlocked through opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Hammer Hit. Frank slams his hammer into the ground, causing a shockwave that damages enemies.

It takes frank around half a second to charge up this attack, leaving him vulnerable for a short while.

Super Attack

Stunning Blow. Frank swings his hammer with greater power causing a bigger shockwave that damages enemies, destroys structures, and temporarily stuns opponents.

Star Power

Frank’s star power is Power Grab which gives him a 40% damage boost for 10 seconds after defeating a brawler.



Mortis is a brawler of mythic rarity. He uses his shovel to swiftly move around on the map while taking down opponents.

Mortis is unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Shovel Swing. Mortis swings his shovel in front of him, causing him to dash forward a short distance.

Any enemies hit in Mortis’ path takes damage.

Super Attack

Life Blood. Mortis summons forth a swarm of vampire bats.

These bats travel in a single direction, have a far range, and flies over structures.

When bats hit opponents, they take damage, and Mortis is healed equal to the amount of damage done.

Life Blood can hit multiple enemies.

Star Power

Mortis’ star power is Creepy Harvest which makes him heal 1400 health after defeating an enemy brawler.



Tara is a mythic brawler who throws cards at opponents and summons a gravitational field to take down enemies.

To unlock Tara, you have to open brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Triple Tarot. Tara throws three cards at once in a cone. One card in the middle, one in each side.

Triple Tarot travels through enemies and damages all opponents hit.

Super Attack

Gravity. Tara creates a field of gravity by throwing a card on the ground. Enemies caught in this field are pulled towards the center.

After a brief moment, the field explodes dealing damage to anyone inside.

Star Power

Tara’s star power is Black Portal, which causes her super attack Gravity to summon a shadow version of Tara herself that attacks enemies.



Gene is a mythic brawler who uses his magical power to take down enemies.

Open brawl boxes to unlock Gene.

Basic Attack

Smoke Blast. Using the power of his magical lamp, Gene casts a magic ball that deals damage to enemies hit.

If this spell doesn’t hit anything, it splits into 6 smaller projectiles once it reaches its max range.

Super Attack

Magic Hand. Gene summons a huge hand from his magical lamp in a given direction.

If an enemy brawler is hit by this hand, they will get pulled back to Gene’s location.

Star Power

Gene’s star power is Magic Puffs, which makes Gene a walking healing station.

All allies within a small radius of Gene will be healed 200 health each second. This star power does not heal Gene himself.



Spike the cactus man is a legendary brawler who uses the power of cactus to take down opponents.

Spike is unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Needle Grenade. Spike throws a cactus that rolls on the ground until it hits something or reaches maximum range.

Once this happens, the cactus explodes sending out 6 needles in a circle around it.

Super Attack

Stick Around!. Spike brings forth a patch of spikes at a target location.

Enemy brawlers caught in these spikes take damage and have reduced movement speed.

Star Power

Spike’s star power is Fertilize which enables Spike to recover 500 health every second while standing in his cactus patch created from Stick Around!.



Crow is a legendary brawler bird who uses daggers and poison to take down foes.

You unlock Crow by opening brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Switchblade. Crows throws a volley of three posion daggers.

Enemy brawlers hit by a daggers take damage from the impact and then some extra damage over time.

Super Attack

Swoop. Crow takes to the air, throwing several daggers around him on take off and another round of daggers once he lands.

Star Power

Crow’s star power is Extra Toxic which upgrades his poison to also reduce enemies damage by 10% while active.



Leon is a legendary brawler who is a master at stealth and taking down enemies with blades.

To unlock Leon, you have to open brawl boxes.

Basic Attack

Spinner Blades. Leon quickly throws 4 blades in succession.

Enemies hit by Spinner Blades take damage depending on how far the blade has traveled before hitting.

The farther the blade has travelled, the less damage it does.

Super Attack

Smoke Bomb. Leon throws a smoke bomb at his current location making him invisible for 8 seconds.

Enemies within 4 tiles are able to see him, however, turrets, etc. are not able to see him at all.

Attacking will cause Leon to become visible again.

Star Power

Leon’s star power is Smoke Trial which gives Leon increased movement speed for the entire duration of his invisibility.



Carl is a super rare brawler who utilizes his minecart and pickaxe to take down enemy brawlers.

Carl is unlocked by opening brawl boxes

Basic Attack

Pickaxe. Carl throws his pickaxe at a target location. Carl’s pickaxe acts like a boomerang, returning to him after reaching a certain distance.

Once Carl catches his pickaxe again, he can throw it once more.

Super Attack

Tailspin. Carl starts spinning his minecart at a high speed, swinging his pickaxe at the same time to deal damage to enemies.

While Carl is spinning around, his movement speed is greatly increased.

Star Power

Carl’s star power is Power Throw which makes Carl throw his pickaxe at greater speeds, causing it to reach its make distance and return faster.



Rosa is a rare brawler that is unlocked by opening brawl boxes.

She uses the plants on her hands to take down enemy brawlers.

Basic Attack

Hands of Stone. Rosa throws a series of 3 punches at a target location, creating short-ranged waves that damage enemies.

These waves can hit multiple enemies at once.

Super Attack

Strong Stuff. Rosa activates a temporary shield that reduces all damage taken by Rosa by 70%.

This shield lasts for 4 seconds.

Star Power

Rosa’s star power is Plant Life, which makes Rosa heal 300 hp every second while inside a bush.



Bibi is an epic brawler who is obtained through opening brawl boxes.

She uses her bat and bubbles of gum to take down enemy brawlers.

Basic Attack

Three Strikes. Bibi swings her bat in a wide arc in front of her. This attack takes a short period of time to finish, like Frank.

Furthermore, Bibi will charge a knockback over time, causing her bat swing to knock back enemy brawlers.

Bibi can move while using this attack.

Super Attack

Spitball. Bibi hits a big bubble of gum in a target direction. This gum ball will damage all enemies it passes through.

If the gum ball hits a wall, it will bounce off of it. The gum bubble disappears after 5 seconds.

Star Power

Bibi’s star power is Home Run, which increases Bibi’s movement speed while her home run bar is charged, which means her knockback is ready.


Those are the brawlers in Brawl Stars!
